Thursday, January 22, 2009


I do not care what car you drive where live. if you know some one who knows someone who knows something. if your clothes are this years cutting edge. if your trust fund is unlimited. if you are A-list B-list or never heard of you list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind. They are the only thing you truly own. The only thing I will remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind.
andre jordan

just so you know, i'm over the last two posts-- yes, already. i made up with a good friend of mine who, when i decided to forget about him, i found i never really could. he teaches me french and has conversations with me no one else could even replicate, or even fathom. i miss him, and sometimes i realize that even though friends come and go, you're always happy when one comes back.


  1. He's done being a cuntbag?
    I noticed you started talking. :]

  2. PS - The word verification for that last comment was "entomb." SWEET.
